Wabash Valley Musicians Hall of Fame

'Promoting fellowship and friendship among all musicians of the Wabash Valley'

Hall of Fame News & Notes

July 22, 2024

Please mark your calendar for the upcoming Induction Ceremony!

The Class of 204 will be inducted on September 15, 2024.  As in past years, it will be held at the Zorah Shrine in Terre Haute, IN. 

Tickets will go on sale starting on August 1.  You can purchase them from the Music Shoppe or from any Board Member.  The cost is $20 per ticket, which includes your meal.

We didn't want to raise ticket prices, but like every other non-profit organization, we have been hurt by rising costs.  In particular, food prices have nearly doubled over the last few years while the money we brought in did not increase, resulting in a sharp drop in what was left over for us to do our charitable work.

PLEASE support us by buying tickets, even if you choose not to attend, or if you wish, make a donation.  It is only with your support that this organization will survive and do the community work that we are known for, particularly in the schools.  We appeal particularly to our members.  Help us to be able to honor musicians in the future like you were honored in the past.

July 1, 2024

Mike Spice has announced his resignation from our Board of Directors.  He joined the Board in 2009 and made many contributions to the Hall, including serving as Treasurer since 2010.  Mike has graciously volunteered to train his replacement as Treasurer.

The Board offers its thanks to Mike for all of the time and effort he put in to making the Hall of Fame as success, and we wish him the best in his future endeavors.  If you see him, please congratulate him on a job well done.

June 1, 2024

We had another great Picnic & Jam!

Attendance was down slightly this year, but a lot of musicians showed up and played.  If you didn't make it, you missed getting to see members from some of the Valley's most popular bands perform!

Once again, we collected non-perishables for the local food banks, and the response was amazing.  Thanks to allwho donated.

Make plans to join us for the 2024 Induction Ceremony in September.  information will be posted here in the near future.

April 2, 2024

Please mark your calendars for the Hall of Fame's 2024 Picnic & Jam!

As in the past, the Picnic will be held at the Shrine Country Club (Shrine Hill) and we will once again be collecting canned goods and other non-perishable foods to share with the local food banks, as part of our coommunity involvement.

Attention musicians! Would you like to perform? Come early and sign up.  Bring your whole band, or if this isn't possible, let us know and we can help find musicians for you to perform with.

Want to be inducted into the Hall of Fame?  Here is your chance to introduce yourself to members of the Board and to get up and show your skills!

February 5, 2024

Mike White has announced his resignation from our Board of Directors.  He joined the Board in 2018 and was a valued member.

The Board wishes to thank Mike for all of the time and effort he put in to making the Hall of Fame as success, and we wish him the best in his future endeavors.  If you see him, please congratulate him on a job well done.

January 1, 2024

Please mark your calendars for the Hall of Fame's 2024 events:

The Picnic & Jam is scheduled for May 19, 2024.
The Induction Ceremony is scheduled for September 15, 2024.

As in the past, the Picnic will be held at the Shrine Country Club (Shrine Hill) and the Induction will be held at the Shrine on North 7th Street.  We look forward to seeing you there!

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